TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 1986 , Vol 1 , Num 3 - 4
İstanbul Tıp Fak. Radyoterapi BD In this retrospective study the results of combined treatment (resection and postoperative radiotherapy) of 46 patients with astrocytoma grade III tumors have been presented. The tumors were located in the supratentorial region of brain in 96 % of the cases and 90 % of the patients were adult. 9 patients had total tumor removal and postoperative radioherapy,The5 year survival was 27% and the median survival was 29 months. 37 patients had subtotal tumor removal and postoperative radiotherapy, the 5 year survival was %14 and the median survial and the median survival was 22 months. No statistical difference was found between these groups. The crude 1,3 and 5 year survival rates of 46 patients were %77,% 25 and 19% respectively. The median survival duration for the whole group was 23 months and 19 months for the dead. It has been also found that age of the patients carried a better prognosis. Patients who were 45 years or below survived significantly better than patients who were older than this age at diagnosis. The regarding 5 year Survival rotes were 29 % and 5 % respectively. The difference was significant (0.05)P)0.02). This study shows the importance of combined treatment modality in the treatment of patients with grade-Ill astrocytomas and indicates one patient out of five has a chance of survival. Keywords :